STAFF: Lecturer

Name: Mr Chrispen Maireva 

Phone: +263 71 306 3486 


Designation: Lecturer
Department: Business Management


PhD in Management Studies (Finance, Risk Management and Banking candidate) (University of South Africa (UNISA), 2019 – present)
MBA in Banking and Finance (NUST, 2013)
BCOM (Hons) Business Management (Finance option) (awarded with MSU Book Prize) (MSU, 2007)
Dip.Ed (specialising in Vocational and Technical Education) (UZ, 1998)

Research Interests:

  1. Accounting, Business and Economics Education pedagogy
  2. Financial inclusion
  3. Rural and agricultural finance
  4. Microfinance
  5. Business and professional ethics

Publications and Conferences

Peer Reviewed and Refereed Academic Journals

  1. Zhou, H., Maireva, C & Chiware, M. (2022). Implications of the New Public Management          paradigm on judicial governance in Zimbabwe. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social  Science (IOSR-JHSS) Volume 27, Issue 3, Series 4 (March. 2022) 55-68.
  2. Maireva, C., Muza, C., & Beans, H. (2021).  Employability of Accounting TVET Graduates: A   Case of One Polytechnic College in Zimbabwe. East African Journal of Education and   Social Sciences, April – June 2021, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.97–107.
  3. Maireva, C and Magomana, N. R. (2021). The Influence of endogenous factors on  entrepreneurial success among youths in Masvingo Urban, Zimbabwe. East African   Journal of Education and Social Sciences, April – June 2021, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.179–189.
  4. Magomana, N. R and Maireva, C. (2021). Information technology and entrepreneurship development in Africa. East African Journal of Education and Social Sciences EAJESS       April – June 2021, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.239—242.
  5. Beans, H., Muza, C., & Maireva, C. (2021). Does Gender Affect the performance of learners in Business Studies at A Level? Evidence from rural secondary schools in Zimbabwe. International Academic Journal of Education and Literature. 2 (4); 8-16.
  6. Beans, H.; Maireva, C., and Muza, C. (2020). Zimbabwe’s higher education institutions’  preparedness in responding to Covid-19 induced disruptions to education. Journal of New Vision in Educational Research JoNVER Volume 1, Issue 2 (Special Issue), pp 267 – 282.