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Congratulations! To New PhD Holders

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The Chairman of Manicaland State University of Applied Sciences (MSUAS) Council, Dr. Blessing Mudavanhu, the Vice Chancellor, Professor. Albert Chawanda, Council, Senate, Staff and Students warmly congratulates the following staff members for attaining their PHD degrees in the year 2021: Dr. Moses Jachi, Dr. Weston Govere and Dr. Cry Kuranga. Manicaland State University of Applied Sciences continues to intensify its staff development programme to enhance teaching and learning.

Dr Moses Jachi, a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) has a distinguished career as an Internal Auditor in the Zimbabwean Local Government sub-sector, which saw him rising to the position of Chief Audit Executive in two different Local Authorities, Moses joined Manicaland State University of Applied Sciences as an Accounting Lecturer and is registered with the Public Accountants and Auditors Board (PAAB) of Zimbabwe as a Public Accountant.

In his thesis entitled, Internal Audit Function Quality and Corporate Governance in the Public Sector. A Case of Local Authorities in Zimbabwe, Jachi sought to establish whether or not the enormity of corporate governance challenges facing the Zimbabwean public sector is a result of questionable quality characteristics of internal audit functions within public sector organisations. The study established the existence of a significant positive relationship between internal audit function quality and transparent accountability, hence, the enormity of corporate governance problems faced by Zimbabwe local authorities can be partially blamed on internal audit.

Dr Weston Govere is an avid researcher in Cybersecurity with particular interest in Chaos-based Cipher Generation and Phase-only Encryption, Evolutionary Computing, Lattice-based cryptography, Homomorphic cryptography, Asymmetric Encryption, Symmetric Encryption and Error Correction Codes.

His thesis entitled, Cryptography using Chaos-based Cipher Generation and Phase-only Encryption, focused on developing and implementing cryptosystems using chaos-based cipher generation and explores a method of generating chaotic ciphers based on non-linear iteration functions using Evolutionary Computing. The approach is related to the generic applications of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence in cryptography. The study investigates the necessary and/or sufficient conditions and properties required to guarantee the unpredictability of a cipher generating algorithm to acceptable cryptographic standards, and, ideally high cryptographic strength.

β€œOur aim is to significantly develop our staff to match current international trends which has an immense impact on our quality of teaching and learning. As an Applied Science university, we aim to change the artificial intelligence and engineering landscapes of this country with industry and commerce taping into our highly trained human resources,” said Professor Albert Chawanda, the Vice Chancellor of MSUAS.

The number of PhD graduates is set to astronomically increase in 2022 as a deliberate plan laid years back is now expected to bear fruits. Currently the University has 16 PhD holders while over 45 are registered candidates out of a staff compliment of 85.

Manicaland State University Of Applied Sciences website