STAFF: Lecturer

Name : Dr Maurice Kwembeya
Designation : Acting Chairperson Department of Psychology
Faculty : Applied Social Sciences
Department : Psychology
Contact Details:
- Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology, UNISA, South Africa
- Masters of Science in Community Psychology, MSU, Zimbabwe.
- Bachelor of Science Honours Degree in Psychology
- Diploma in Education, Marymount teachers College.
Research Interests:Research areas:
Mental Health, Resilience, Social Psychology
- Maurice Kwembeya& Dhlomo-Sibiya Rosemond Mbaliyezwe (2022). Resilience needs of retrenched workers in Harare and the need for mental health professionals. Social Work & Social Sciences Review 22(3) pp.1-19.
- Kwembeya, M. (2021). The efficacy of social capital in assisting survivors of natural disasters deal with distress: the case of survivors of Cyclone Idai in Zimbabwe. African Journal of Social Work, 11(5), 283-289.
- Kwembeya, M. and Songo, S., (2021). COVID-19 psychological adjustment distress: the case study of professional health workers in Manicaland Province in Zimbabwe. Journal of Development Administration (JDA), 6(1), 131-140.
- Maurice Kwembeya&Julia Mutambara (2022). Enhancing girls’ resilience in the face of Covid-19 pandemic in Marange community, Zimbabwe. The Dyke 15(3) pp 1-20.
- Denboy Kudejira, Maurice Kwembeya, Sifikile Songo, Innocent Sifelani & Memory Matsikure (2022). The Psycho-Anthropological Perspectives of Natural Hazards: Applicability of the Protection Motivation Theory’ in Explaining Behavioral Responses Towards Tropical Cyclone Idai in the Chimanimani District of Zimbabwe. Journal Of Culture & Psychology, Vol. 0(0) 1–20
- Innocent Sifelani, Memory Matsikure, Sifikile Songo, Maurice Kwembeya& Denboy Kudejira. (2022). Cyclone Idai–related losses and the coping strategies of adolescent. Survivors in the Odzi community of Manicaland Province, Zimbabwe. South African Journal of Psychology pp 1–13.
- Sibanda T, Sifelani I, Kwembeya M, Matsikure M and Songo S (2022) Attitudes and perceptions of teachers toward mental health literacy: A case of Odzi High School, Mutare District, Zimbabwe. Front. Psychol. 13:1003115. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1003115
- Memory Matsikurea, Innocent Sifelani, Sifikile Songo, Maurice Kwembeya, Theresi Sibanda (2022). Psychological and social impact of the corona virus disease on girls in a marginalised Odzi community in Zimbabwe.The Dyke 16(1) pp 1-20.
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Work in progress