STAFF: Lecturer

Name;  Mrs Pamela Dube
Lecturer ;

Academic Qualifications                             

  • MSc in Agricultural Development Economics – Wageningen University of Life Sciences (Netherlands)
  • BSc in Agricultural Economics and Management – Bindura University of Science Education, (Zimbabwe)
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Higher and Tertiary Education – Chinhoyi University of Technology.
  • Diploma in Animal Health and Production – Mazowe Veterinary College.

Research Interests

  • Agriculture development
  • Food security and
  • Agriculture policy

Research Publications

  • Chakaipa, A., Basera, V., & Dube, P. (2021). Modelling Association between two Multiple Response Categorical Variables (MRCV) using generalized log-linear models: the case of urban agriculture in Mutare City. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 1(2), 117-132
  • Jachi M, Satande, J. M., Bhibhi P., Maganga M., Madongwe L., Katsane C., Dube P., Shumba G. Makumbe, M. (2021) Economic Sustainability in the Absence or Near-Absence of Traditional Risk Mitigation Mechanisms: An Insight into Credit Risk and Economic Sustainability of Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) in Zimbabwe. Journal of Contemporary issues in Business and Government. (Volume 27 Issue 1) ISSN: 1323-6903)
  • Basera, V., Chakaipa, A., Dube, P. (2020). Impetus of urban horticulture on open spaces: case of Mutare City. Journal of Social, Humanity, and Education, 1(1), 27-37.
  • Musara, J.P, Chivhuramangwe J, Dube P (2011): Determinants of smallholder cotton contract farming participation in a recovering economy: Empirical results from Patchway District, Zimbabwe, Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa (Volume 13, No.4, 2011) ISSN: 1520-5509, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, Pennsylvania.
  • Chakaipa, A., Basera, V., Chakaipa, M., & Dube, P. (2021). Measuring Hospitality and Tourism Management Students’ Satisfaction with Work Related Learning Using Partial Least Squares in Zimbabwe.
  • Tapera R, Dube P., Chipunza N. (2021) An Assessment of the Economic Efficiency of Smallholder Irish Potato Producers in Nyanga District Zimbabwe. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (|Volume V, Issue II,).
  • Mutambisi S., Madondo M., Mavesera M. & Dube P. Promise and performance of gender mainstreaming at a Zimbabwean agricultural training college JOVACET Journal (Vol 4 (1) 146-172.
  • Madongwe L., Muraiwa S., and Dube P. (2022). A theoretical Assessment of Operational Budgets of Boarding Schools in Zimbabwe’s Hyperinflation: Effects and Survival Strategies. International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (|Volume VI, Issue VI,).


    • Association of Agriculture Economists of Zimbabwe (AAEZ)