STAFF: Lecturer

Name: Ms Esther Mafunda 

Phone: +263772725120



Designation: Lecturer
Department: Business Management


BA Honours Degree in Linguistics (UZ), 
MPhil in Arts, Linguistics (UZ),
PDHTE Student (GZU),
PhD Student (UNISA).

Research Interests:

  1. Language impairment in Bantu language speakers,

  2. Business and Academic communication in higher and tertiary institutions,

  3. Child language acquisition in Bantu language speakers.

Publications and Conferences

Peer Reviewed and Refereed Academic Journals

  • Publications: Mafunda, E. (2009). Recovery Patterns in a ShonaEnglish Broca’s Bilingual AphLambert Publishing Company, Germany.
  • Mhlangah, G, Gotosa, K, Mabugu, P & Mafunda, E.Contesting the existence of male species stereotypes within the communicative context of nursing: A case of Bonda Mission Hospital, Zimbabwe.International Journal of Language, Literature and Gender (LALIGENS), Bahir Dar – Ethiopia 5 (2) serial No. 12, October 2016: 173 – 195.
  • Contesting the existence of male species stereotypes within the communicative context of nursing: A case of Bonda Mission Hospital, Zimbabwe.
  • International Journal of Language, Literature and Gender (LALIGENS), Bahir Dar – Ethiopia 5 (2) serial No. 12, October 2016: 173 – 195.