STAFF: Lecturer

Mr Faustino Madzokere
Designation: Lecturer
Department: Agricultural Economics
Academic Qualifications
- BSc (Honor) in Agriculture – University of Zimbabwe (UZ)
Current program enrolled
- Phd in Agriculture (Crop Science) with Great Zimbabwe University under the Department of Soil and Plant Sciences.
Research Interests
- Agricultural Extension
- Agricultural Trade
- Business Management
- Development Economics
Research Publications
- Madududu, P., Madzokere, F., Jambo, N., & Ruzhani, F. (2022). Determinants of agricultural commercialization in smallholder farmers in Zimbabwe: The case of Zhombe North Rural District. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, 14(3), 95-104.
- Chawarika, A., Madzokere, F &Murimbika, A. (2022). Regional trade agreements and agricultural trade: An Analysis of Zimbabwe’s agricultural trade flows, Cogent Economic & Finance, 10:1,2048482, DOI:1080/23322039.2022.2048482
- Madzokere F, Mutambara J &Zirenga V.L. (2018). An investigation into the factors affecting outgrower sugarcane farming in the South East Lowveld of Zimbabwe. Business and Social Sciences Journal. BSSJ-01012018
Work In progress
LIPs – Zim project researches:
- Feasibility Studies of abattoirs in Buhera, Beitbridge and Nkayi
- Livestock Market Surveys
- Effects of Human Wildlife Conflict on Livestock Production and Marketing in Chiredzi