

Name: Dr Njerekai Cleopas

Designation: Chairperson : Senior Lecturer

Department: Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure Sciences

Contact Details:



1. PhD Tourism – Midlands State University – Zimbabwe
2. Master of Science in Tourism & Hospitality Management – University of Zimbabwe
3. Graduate Certificate in Education – University of Zimbabwe
4. Bachelor of Arts Honours in Geography – University of Zimbabwe
5. Bachelor of Arts General – University of Zimbabwe

        Research Interest

  • Sustainable Tourism
  • Agro-tourism
  • Tourism Entrepreneurship
  • Accessible Tourism



  1. 1. Basera, V., Njerekai, C and Utete, C. (2022). Tourism certification for promoting tourism sustainability in Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, African Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 3 (2), 59-72.
    2. Manwa, H. and Njerekai, C. (2022). Agri-tourism in Engelbecht, W. Engelbrecht, C. and Zeelie, E (ed.). Niche Tourism: A sustainable Approach for Southern Africa, South Africa, Southern Africa Publishers
    3. Njerekai, C. (2021). The impacts of COVID-19 on Tourism education, in Gursoy, D., Sarıışık, M., Nunkoo, R. and Boğan E. (Ed). COVID-19 and the Hospitality and Tourism Industry: A research companion, Massachusetts, Edward Elgar Publishing.
    4. Gumbo L., Njerekai, C., Collate, M. & Dambaza J. (2020). Bank liquidity in distressed economic conditions: The case of Zimbabwe, Global Journal of Management and Business Research, 20(5), Online ISSN 2249-4588.

    5. Njerekai, C. (2019). Dissertation and Research Methods Handbook for Tourism Students, Midlands State University Press, Gweru.

    6. Njerekai, C. (2019). The context and future of tourism in Africa’s national parks: Could privatization within protected areas be the panacea? in Monkgogi L., Moswete, N. and Stone M. (ed.) Natural resources, tourism and community livelihoods in Southern Africa: Challenges of Sustainable Development, London, Routledge.
    7. Munyanyiwa T, Nyaruwata S and Njerekai C. (2019). How community-based tourism can survive in turbulent environments: The Mahenye CAMPFIRE project, Zimbabwe in Mkono, M. (ed.) Positive tourism in Africa. London, Taylor and Francis.

    8. Chikuta, O. and Njerekai, C. (2019). Tourism and hospitality human resource training and development in Zimbabwe in Nyaruwata, S. (ed.) Tourism Development in Zimbabwe: Issues and Perspectives. Harare, University of Zimbabwe Publications.

    9. Njerekai, C. (2019). An application of the virtual reality 3600 concept to the Great Zimbabwe Monument, Journal of Heritage Tourism, Taylor and Francis.

    10. Njerekai, C. (2019). Hotel characteristics and the adoption of demand oriented hotel green practices in Zimbabwe: A regression, African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 8 (2).

    11. Njerekai, C. (2018). A Critique of the methodological approaches to hotel guest green consumerism empirical researches since 2000, International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality, 4 (1).

    12. Njerekai, C., Wushe, R. & Basera, V. (2018). Staffing and working conditions of employees in Chinese restaurants in Zimbabwe: Justifiable? Journal of Tourism & Hospitality, 7 (2).

    13. Njerekai, C. (2016). Reflections on International Carnivals as a Destination Recovery Strategy: The case of Zimbabwe in Manwa, H., Moswete, N. and Saarinen, J. (ed.) Cultural Tourism in Southern Africa, New York, Channel View Publications.

    14. Njerekai, C. & Mabika, C.A (2016). Review of the global trophy hunting procedures and processes with Illustrations from Zimbabwe, African Journal of Hospitality Tourism and Leisure, 5 (1).

    15. Njerekai, C. (2014). The tangible economic benefits of the 20th session of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation General Assembly to Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe, African Journal of Hospitality Tourism and Leisure, 3 (1).

    16. Njerekai, C. & Nyahunzvi, D. K. (2012). Tour guiding in Zimbabwe: Key issues and challenges, Tourism Management Perspectives 6.

    17. Njerekai, C. & Mlambo, S. (2012) A policy analysis of the buying practices among grocery retailers in Zimbabwe, The Dyke. 6 (3).

    18. Chikuta, O., Nkomazana, N. & Njerekai C. (2012). Leisure travel patterns of Zimbabwe’s urban population and their predictors Tourism Analysis: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 17 (4).

    19. Njerekai, C. (2009). Advanced Level Geography, Hydrology, Climatology and Human Geography practicals, Booklove Publishers, Gweru.


    1. Attended the Dubai Expo 2020 in March 2022

    2. An analysis of the trophy hunting processes and procedures in Zimbabwe. Paper presented at the Second International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Management. 16-18 November 2015 in Sri-Lanka

    3. Congress Presentation at the Zimbabwe Council for Tourism 2014-Human Resource Audit for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Zimbabwe. Presented at Cresta Lodge Harare-21-22 October 2014.

    4. International Conference Presentation-The future of Tourism in Africa’s Protected Areas. Presented at the 1st Pan African Conference on “The future of Tourism in Africa’s National Parks October 2012-Arusha, Tanzania.

    5. International Congress Presentation- “Rural Tourism Development in Africa” at the Africa Travel Association (ATA) World Congress held at Victoria Falls from the 18th to the 22nd of May 2012.

    6. Paper Presented “Increasing Returns from other Aspects of your Hotel Development” Paper Presented at Hospitality Association of Zimbabwe Congress-2010

    7. Paper presented “New Exciting Dimensions to Stimulating Tourism Demand in the Midlands Province”, MSU workshop, Fairmile Motel October 2009.

    8. Presented a paper on “Human Resource and Training Needs for the Tourism and Hospitality Industry in Mozambique”, paper presented at a one-day workshop at the Catholic University of Mozambique, Pemba in February 2008

    9. Paper Presented “Empirical and Qualitative Data Analysis”, a paper jointly written with professor F. T. Mugabe and then presented at a 2-day Research and Publishing Skills Workshop held at Tshulu Tshanabe, Gweru, Zimbabwe, 16-18 February 2006.

    10. Paper presented “Ethical Issues in Dissertation Supervision” at a one-day workshop held at Antelope Game Park, Gweru, Zimbabwe, 10-12 March 2006.