STAFF: Lecturer

Name: Mr Simbarashe Muparangi
Designation: Lecturer
Department: Business Management
Contact Details:
Msc in Applied Entrepreneurship, Chinhoyi University of Technology
Bcom honour degree in Entrepreneurship, Lupane State University.
Diploma in Telecommunications systems, City and Guilds of London Institute
Certificate in Telecommunications systems, City and Guilds of London Institute
Research Interests
• Entrepreneurial education
• Innovation and SMEs
• Agricultural entrepreneurship
• Strategic entrepreneurship and new venture creation
• Transition from informal to formal economy
• Technological entrepreneurship for industrialisation
Muparangi, S., & Makudza, F. (2021). Innovation: The Driving Force for Entrepreneurial Performance among Small Informal Businesses. Sustainable Business and Society in Emerging Economies, 2(2).
Muparangi, S. Makudza, F. & Siziba S. (2021) The differential effect of emotional labour on boundary spanners. Journal of wellbeing management and Applied Psychology, 4(1).
- Muparangi, S. Makudza, F., Makandwa, G. (2022) Entrepreneurship education as a panacea to formalisation of the informal sector. Management of sustainable development Journal
Conference papers
- Makandwa G., Muparangi S. & Makudza, F. (2021) Augmenting craft tourism entrepreneurship through entrepreneurial skills development. Among southern African Women. 3rd International Conference on entrepreneurship development (ICED).
- Makudza, F., Makandwa, G., & Muparangi, S. (2021) The new normal: Traversing through the Covid-19 business environmental complexity through the acceptance of e-business. Joint Ba Isago University and National University of Science and Technology Second International Research conference. 03 January 2021.
- Muparangi, S. & Jachi, M. (2022) Institutional dynamics and formalisation of the informal sector. The mediating role of entrepreneurial efficacy. (International convention on Zimbabwe Economic Growth Strategy Conference-Ministry of Finance-Zimbabwe)